About Us

STEM Education Center UPI

The rapid development of technology and science has had a considerable impact on the changing needs and demands of Human Resources in the present and in the future. The biggest challenge arises in the STEM field, which has experienced a decline in interest in several developed and developing countries. This has triggered reform in the education world, especially in the STEM field. STEM education emerged as a solution to this problem. STEM education aims to form a society that have STEM Literate, human resources with 21st century competencies, to compete in workforces, to increase interest and attachment on STEM, and creating harmonious relations among STEM fields. Therefore, the university as the forerunner of the development of science and technology should take initiative to implement reforms in this field of education.

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) as one of the teacher higher education institution aware and adaptive to the needs and demands of the present and the future. Therefore in 2018, UPI initiated collaboration works with STEAM Foundation in Korea on research and teacher-training program by applying 4D-Frame as the teaching materials. UPI became the 27th 4D-Frame Center in the world and the 1st Center in Indonesia. This center was developed to enrich education activities at UPI and implementing STEM Education speedily in Indonesia.  The aims are to facilitate and support STEM education at various levels of education, and become a reference center for practitioners in implementing STEM education on their institutions.